Hiring SEO expert in Tehran

منقضی شده


The Citex in Tehran (District 5, Kuye Ferdos) invites qualified residents in Tehran province to apply

SEO expert

Male, Female
Work Experience
Experience Required
Job Type
Full Time


  • We are searching for a SEO expert to join our excellent digital marketing team:
  • Carry out search engine optimization, including designing SEO campaigns, conducting keyword research, building external links, designing site structure and content navigation, and Building Internal Link
  • Conduct analysis to evaluate the performance of search engine optimization strategies
  • Work towards organic search optimization and ROI maximization and optimizing CTR
  • Establish relationships with other websites to expand link connections and create partnerships
  • Stay up to date with the latest SEO, Google algorithm, and digital marketing trends and best practices
  • Analyze competitor’s SEO results to determine optimization opportunities for the website
  • Prior experience in SEO and Web Analytics (At least 3 years)
  • Experience in search engine marketing and competitive analysis or competitive research
  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Working knowledge of Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other industry tools
  • Prior experience with on-page, off-page optimization, and technical SEO
  • Familiarity with content marketing and social media marketing skills
  • Web analytic skills
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Team player
  • Interpersonal and communication skills

Job Location

Tehran, District 5, Kuye Ferdos
District 5, Kuye Ferdos
این آگهی مربوط به 814 روز پیش است و منقضی شده است بنابراین اطلاعات تماس نمایش داده نمیشود.
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