Hiring Creative Content Creator (English) in Azarbayejan sharghi

منقضی شده

آشیانه تدبیر بنفش

The آشیانه تدبیر بنفش in Azarbayejan sharghi province invites qualified people to apply.

Creative Content Creator (English)

Azarbayejan sharghi
Male, Female
Work Experience
Experience Required
Job Type
Full Time


  • Digital Content Writer’s responsibilities include conducting thorough research on industry-related topics, generating ideas for new content types, and proofreading articles before publication. Ultimately, you’ll deliver quality writing pieces that appeal to our audiences and customers and boost brand awareness.
  • Fluency in English
  • Master’s degree in English Translation or English Literature.
  • Proven work experience as a Content Writer, Copywriter, or similar role
  • Portfolio of articles
  • Experience doing research using multiple sources
  • Familiarity with web publications and blogs
  • Excellent writing and editing skills in English
  • Hands-on experience with Content Management Systems (e.g., WordPress)
  • Ability to meet deadlines


  • Research industry-related topics for each client also for the agency (combining online sources, interviews, and studies about each client)
  • Write clear marketing copy to promote products/services
  • Participate in creating a content strategy for all assigned projects
  • Write, edit and publish content for websites, blogs, videos, social media posts/campaigns, email campaigns, podcasts, e-books, whitepapers, and more
  • Create content that motivates, inspires, educates, informs, sells, and simply provides information across a wide variety of digital platforms
  • Use your editing, content management, and HTML skills to publish and edit content across various digital platforms, especially WordPress websites
  • Use your knowledge of SEO and content development to create digital content that helps our clients get found via search engines and showcases their company and products
  • Proofread and edit content posts before publication
  • Conduct simple keyword research and use SEO guidelines to increase web traffic
  • Ensure all-around consistency (style, fonts, images, and tone)
  • Update websites and related content items as needed
  • Work closely with the digital marketing team to produce content that generates results
  • Editing other team members copies before publishing
این آگهی مربوط به 602 روز پیش است و منقضی شده است بنابراین اطلاعات تماس نمایش داده نمیشود.
تبلیغات و بازاریابی - کسب و کار اینترنتی